Wednesday, August 20, 2008

G Baby Opened Up A Can Of Tamale WhoopAss!!

So, as you know, I am in the process of raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and as part of my participation in the half marathon in October. So in addition to my online web page with TNT, I had to come up with a few ideas to raise additional funds. For starters, I wanted to make something at home that I could sell to the masses~! Yea....ummmm what was I thinking??? ...
A new friend from TNT came over on Sunday and she helped me make my first ever batch of tamales. Mind you I had never made tamales before and although I had been
told that it was a lot of work, I still wanted to try it myself.

Don't get me wrong, in the big picture it was a great experience....I was able to crank out 111 tamales in 3 days, out of my little kitchen, and sell every last one of them! I made a whopping $262 that I was able to completely put back to my fundraising for the cause:) I had to close this little business of mine after all that though, at least for the mean time. It took a lot of time and energy and I realized that I needed to put that into my physical training for the 1/2 marathon. I would like to make some for the holidays though so the "Tamale Lady" just may rear her ugly head come November...look out!

1 comment:

The Byers Family said...

Boy did you ever! They were YUMM-O! Thanks for the good eats! :) ok.. I've been watching too much food tv lately..